Hivatalos soundtrack The Legend Of Vox Machina na 2x LP (zoetrope)
27 050
2025-04-02T05:06:20+02:00">Megvásárlásával Ön a következőket kapja 540 kreditek
23 éves
1300 Ft-tól
A The Legend Of Vox Machina sorozat hivatalos soundtrackje 2 zoetrope LP-n. A The Legend of Vox Machina animációs sorozat a Titmouse Animation és az Amazon Studios sikeres TTRPG-sorozatán, a Critical Role-on alapul. Eredetileg minden idők egyik legsikeresebb kickstarter kampánya finanszírozta. A sorozat zenéjét Neal Acree (Overwatch, World of Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft, Stargate SG-1) szerezte.ZENÉK LISTÁJA
Side A
01. Opening Titles - Neal Acree
02. Long Ago... - Neal Acree
03. Tavern Brawl - Neal Acree
04. Scanlan’s Love Song - Sam Riegel and Mr. Fantastic
05. Visiting The Castle - Neal Acree
06. The Legend of Vox Machina - Sam Riegel and Mr. Fantastic
07. Skyship - Neal Acree
08. The Village - Neal Acree
09. The Terror of Tal'Dorei, Pt. I - Neal Acree
10. The Terror of Tal'Dorei, Pt. II - Neal Acree
11. Embers - Neal Acree
12. Die Gloriously - Neal Acree
13. The Adventure Begins - Neal Acree
14. Scanlan’s Hand! - Sam Riegel and Mr. Fantastic
15. Meet The Briarwoods - Neal Acree
16. Fighting Back - Neal Acree
17. The Cello Begins - Neal Acree
Side B
18. Pull My Beads of Love - Sam Riegel and Mr. Fantastic
19. A Narrow Escape - Neal Acree
20. Shadows at the Gates - Neal Acree
21. Pike’s Farewell - Neal Acree
22. As You Are - Neal Acree, Sam Riegel and Mr. Fantastic
23. Rise, Mighty Scanlan, Rise! - Sam Riegel, Mr. Fantastic and Neal Acree
24. Two Teams - Neal Acree
25. No Mercy Percy - Neal Acree
26. Sneaking In - Sam Riegel, Mr. Fantastic and Neal Acree
27. Scanbo - Neal Acree
28. Nevosh, Nevonn - Sam Riegel and Mr. Fantastic
29. A Tragic End - Neal Acree
Side C
30. When Murder Entered My Heart - Neal Acree
31. Signal In The Sky - Neal Acree
32. You Got Scanlan’d - Sam Riegel and Mr. Fantastic
33. Choose Your Path - Neal Acree
34. The Tide of Bone - Neal Acree
35. The Legend is Back - Sam Riegel, Mr. Fantastic and Neal Acree
36. Assault from All Points - Neal Acree
37. Your Turn To Lead - Neal Acree
38. A Sign From Above - Neal Acree, Sam Riegel and Mr. Fantastic
39. Pike Trickfoot - Sam Riegel and Mr. Fantastic
40. Heavy - Neal Acree
Side D
41. Turning Tides - Neal Acree
42. Blinded By The Light - Neal Acree
43. The Ritual - Neal Acree
44. The Doorway - Neal Acree
45. The Darkness Within, Pt. I - Neal Acree
46. The Darkness Within, Pt. II - Neal Acree
47. Home - Neal Acree
48. Dragons - Neal Acree -
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