Hivatalos soundtrack Monster Hunter: World na 6x LP (Box Set)
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A Capcom Monster Hunter: World hivatalos soundtrackje.
Ez a dobozos szett 83, kifejezetten vinylre masterelt zeneszámot tartalmaz, hagyományos fekete színű, nehézsúlyú lemezekre préselve. A zenét Tadayoshi Makino, Akihiko Narita, Yuko Komiyama, Masato Kouda és Zhenlan Kang szerezte. Az Elder Dragons művészeti alkotása egy kemény kartonpapírból készült, a Monster Hunter csapat által készített tokban kerül elhelyezésre.ZENE LISTA
1. Main Theme - Stars At Our Backs
2. Main Menu
3. Meeting a Friend
4. Prologue
5. The New World - First Uproar
6. Cornerstone of the New World - Astera
7. Meowscular Chef's Custom Platter
8. First Council Meeting - Daily Matters
9. Preparing for the Journey - Living Quarters
10. Stalking - Hold Your Breath
11. The New World Before My Eyes (Day)
12. The New World Before My Eyes (Night)
13. Ancient Forest: Small Monsters Abound
14. Ancient Forest: Medium Monsters Abound
15. Savage of the Ancient Forest
16. Savage of the Ancient Forest: The Chase
17. Quest Complete! - Proof of a Hero version
18. Celestial Pursuit - Bustling Heavens
19. Tale of the Five
20. The Wind on the Wastelands (Day)
21. The Wind on the Wastelands (Night)
22. Wildspire Waste: Small Monsters Abound
23. Wildspire Waste: Medium Monsters Abound
24. Rulers of the Wildspire
25. Rulers of the Wildspire: The Chase
26. Quest Failed
27. Eat Up!
28. Second Council Meeting - Tension
29. Beast with Fire Upon its Back - Zorah Magdaros
30. Proof of a Hero - Monster Hunter: World version
31. Returning from an Expedition
32. The Isolated Researchers - Third Fleet Research Base
33. Tailraider Safari, Go!
34. Raining Life on the Highlands (Day)
35. Raining Life on the Highlands (Night)
36. Coral Highlands: Small Monsters Abound
37. Coral Highlands: Medium Monsters Abound
38. Dancer in the Coral Highlands
39. Dancer in the Coral Highlands: The Chase
40. Returning from a Quest
41. Arena: Small Monsters Abound
42. Arena: Large Monsters Abound
43. Where Life Comes to Rest (Day)
44. Where Life Comes to Rest (Night)
45. Rotten Vale: Small Monsters Abound
46. Rotten Vale: Medium Monsters Abound
47. Murmurs from the Land Forbidden
48. Murmurs from the Land Forbidden: The Chase
49. On Sale Now!
50. Dreams of Tomorrow - Private Quarters
51. Third Council Meeting - Showdown
52. To the Next Life
53. Journey to the Truth
54. The Argosy Calls
55. Poogie's Great Delight (World version)
56. The Radiance of the Crystals (Day)
57. The Radiance of the Crystals (Night)
58. Elder's Recess: Small Monsters Abound
59. Elder's Recess: Medium Monsters Abound
60. Forces of Land and Life
61. Forces of Land and Life: The Chase
62. Gorgeous Days - Private Suite
63. Even Elder Dragons Tremble - Nergigante
64. Even Elder Dragons Tremble - Nergigante: The Chase
65. In the Domain of the Gajalaka
66. The Savage Gajalaka
67. The Shadow Upon the Tempest - Kushala Daora (World version)
68. The Shadow Upon the Tempest - Kushala Daora: The Chase
69. Ruler of the Flame - Teostra (World version)
70. Ruler of the Flame - Teostra: The Chase
71. Fourth Council Meeting - Revival
72. Keeper of Hades - Vaal Hazak
73. Keeper of Hades - Vaal Hazak: The Chase
74. The Invading Tyrant - Bazelgeuse
75. The Invading Tyrant - Bazelgeuse: The Chase
76. Unsettling Premonition
77. Guiding Lamp to the Otherworld
78. How Life Springs Anew
79. Quest Complete! - Main Theme version
80. Guidance
81. Proof of a Hero - Monster Hunter: World version (Extended edition)
82. State of Emergency!
83. Pride of a Nameless Hunter -
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15 600 Ft
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