Hivatalos soundtrack Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope na 3x LP

31 000 Ft
Megvásárlásával Ön a következőket kapja 620 kreditek
23 éves
1300 Ft-tól
Merchandise: Soundtrack, Vinyl lemez
Termékkód: 57431
  • Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope soundtrack exkluzív 3 LP-s kiadásban. A zenét a Yoko Shimomura, Grant Kirkhope és Gareth Coker alkotta álomcsapat szerezte.
    DISC 1
    Side A
    Prologue - On the Back of the Darkmess Manta
    The Galaxy Awaits (Main Menu)
    First Contact - Beacon Beach
    Metagalactic Marauders
    Port in a Storm
    Battle of Beacon Beach
    Dark Secrets on a Sunlit Planet
    Augie's Subterranean Sanctum
    The Temple Under Siege
    Beacon in the Darkmess
    Sunny Side of the Galaxy
    Headlong Into Darkmess

    Side B
    Icy Battle Ballet
    Ice-Bound Planet, Pt. I
    Cold, Dark Mask of the Mountain, Pt. I
    Cold, Dark Mask of the Mountain, Pt. II
    Warmth Amongst the Snow
    Clash in the Outer Galaxy
    Uphill Battle
    Ice-Bound Planet, Pt. II
    Midnite Ball (Right Turn)
    Midnite Ball (Left Turn)
    Midnite Ball (Say Your Goodbyes)

    DISC 2
    Side A
    Paean to Palette Prime
    Paletteville in Peril
    Root of Corruption, Pt. I
    Root of Corruption, Pt. II
    Kaleidoscopic Canopy
    An Uncanny Village
    Pixies and Poets
    Interstellar Invaders
    Wither and Fade
    Drama in the Plaza
    Hitting Bedrock

    Side B
    Yearning to Bloom
    Fight Songs from the Flower Planet
    Planet in Pre-Bloom
    Fuzzy and Fleeting
    Galaxy Encounter
    Sights and Scents of Terra Flora
    Spout Forth

    DISC 3
    Side A
    Ballad of Barrendale Mesa
    Desolate Beauty
    Dancing in the Sand
    Ride out the Storm
    Daphne's Trap
    Never Center of the Desert

    Side B
    Rulers of Darkmess
    Heart of Darkmess
    For the Galaxy!
    The Liberation of the Sparks
    DJ Cheep Tuna's Super Slime Unicorn Rainbow Dragon Castle (Remix)
    Oficiální soundtrack Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope na 3x LPYoko Shimomura
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