Hivatalos soundtrack Devil May Cry na 4x LP (Box Set)
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Készülj fel a hatalom ébredésére! A Capcom és a Laced Records elhozza neked a 2001-es klasszikus Devil May Cry akciójáték gyilkos soundtrackjét.
A teljes, 73 számot tartalmazó OST-t kifejezetten vinylre masterelték, és nehézsúlyú LP-kre préselik. A Standard Edition négylemezes dobozos szett hagyományos fekete lemezeket tartalmaz, amelyek kemény karton tokban lesznek elhelyezve.
A zenéért Masami Ueda (Resident Evil sorozat, Okami, Viewtiful Joe), Masato Kouda (Darkstalkers, Monster Hunter, Resident Evil Outbreak) és Misao Senbongi (Resident Evil sorozat) felel.ZENE LISTA
Side A
Let's Rock (Title)
Devil Sunday (Sparda's Theme)
EV-01 (Opening)
GM-01 (Mission Start 1)
ST-01 (Ancient Castle Stage)
Pubic Enemy (Battle Theme 1)
EV-02 (Alastor Acquired)
GM-02 (Continue)
Side B
Red-Hot Juice (Phantom Appears - Battle Theme)
GM-03 (Divinity Statue)
ST-02 (Cathedral)
EV-03 (Sin Scissors Appear)
ST-03 (Ocean Floor Stage)
EV-04 (Nelo Angelo Appears)
EV-05 (Dante Cornered)
ST-04 (Beneath the Ancient Castle Stage)
EV-06 (Beelzebub Appears)
Ultra Violet (Nelo Angelo Battle Theme)
Side A
Lock & Load (Blade Appears - Battle Music 2)
EV-07 (Phantom Appears - Battle Theme 2)
EV-08 (Sparda's Image)
EV-09 (Ifrit Acquired)
Flock Off! (Griffon Appears - Battle Theme)
EV-10 (Fetish Appears)
ST-05 (Gardens)
EV-11 (Nelo Angelo Appears - Battle Theme 2)
EV-12 (Ghost Ship - Setting Sail)
EV-13 (Griffon Appears - Battle Theme 2)
EV-14 (Ghost Ship - Sinking)
ST-06 (Underwater Stage)
Side B
Psycho Siren (Mid-boss Battle Theme)
GM-05 (Mission Start 2)
EV-15 (Griffon Appears - Battle Theme 3)
EV-16 (On My Father's Name)
ST-07 (Coliseum)
Mental Machine (Nightmare Battle)
ST-08 (Nightmare Dimension)
GM-04 (Mission Clear)
Side A
Super Ultra Violet (Nelo Angelo Appears - Battle Theme 3)
EV-17 (The Truth)
EV-18 (Devil Sword Sparda Acquired)
Evil Vacuum (Underworld)
EV-19 (Nobody Appears)
EV-20 (Nightmare Barrier - Battle Theme)
EV-21 (Betrayal)
EV-22 (Tactics)
ST-09 (God of the Demon World)
Final Penetration (Underworld Stage)
Side B
Eva's Theme
Legendary Battle (Demon Emperor Mundus Battle 1 - Aerial)
EV-23 (Demon Emperor Mundus)
EV-24 (Avenging Mother)
EV-25 (Awakening)
EV-26 (Dante Knocked out of the Sky)
EV-27 (The Collapse of Mundus)
Bloody Bladder (Escape from the Underworld)
Karnival (Ancient Castle at Night Stage - Plasma Appears)
Side A
Lock & Load (Original)
EV-28 (Demon Emperor Mundus, Round 2)
Super Pubic Enemy (Sparda Battle Theme 1)
S (Sparda Battle Theme 2)
Pillow Talk Again (Ranking Music 2)
Anarchy in the U.W. (Underworld Battle Theme)
Trish's Theme
EV-29 (Mother's Voice - Trish Appears)
Side B
Legendary Battle V2 (Demon Emperor Mundus Battle 2 - Land)
ST-10 (Demon Emperor Mundus Battle 3 - Underground)
EV-30 (Reunion - Too Late)
Pillow Talk (Ranking Music 1)
I'm Coming! (Escape)
Blue Orgasm (Blue Sky)
Dante & Trish - Seeds of Love (Ending Credits)
GM-06 (Game Over) -
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