Hivatalos soundtrack Animaniacs - Seasons 1-3 (Soundtrack from the Animated Series) na 2x LP

25 900 Ft
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1300 Ft-tól
Merchandise: Soundtrack
Termékkód: 59501
  • A zene mindig is fontos része volt az Animaniacs sorozatnak. Így amikor a sorozat 2021-ben diadalmasan visszatért, természetesen számos új dalt hozott magával, amelyeket maguk a Warner testvérek (és munkatársaik) adtak elő.

    A sorozat 2020-2023-as rebootjának összes kedvenc dalát tartalmazza, először összegyűjtve bakelitlemezen.
    Side A
    1. Main Title (Animaniacs)
    2. Pinky & The Brain
    3. Reboot It
    4. The Cutening
    5. Limbs Fall Off
    6. Banana Hammock
    7. Be Like Me
    8. Bonding
    9. The Catch-Up Song
    10. Lakes Are Fun
    11. Suffragette Song
    12. I’m Gonna Each’cha
    13. Rap Battle, Pt. 1
    14. Rap Battle, Pt. 2

    Side B
    1. Main Title (Anima–Nyet)
    2. Alien Chorus
    3. FLOTUS, FLOTUS, What Do You Know About Us?
    4. A-Zit
    5. A Brief History of History
    6. Warner’s Ark
    7. Yakko’s Big Idea
    8. I Ate a Rock
    9. Coffee
    10. Yakko’s World in the 1800s
    11. The Hamburg Tickler Song
    12. Category 5
    13. Fresh Pinky
    14. I Am the Very Model of an Ancient Roman Emperor
    15. Magna Cartoon
    16. Conceive of Yourself

    Side C
    1. Gruesome Ol’ Gruel
    2. Sing a Song for Your Gruel
    3. The Bayeux Tapestry
    4. Christopher Columbus Song, Pt. II
    5. Flora Dora
    6. Narf Day Song with Pinky
    7. Narf Day Song with The Brain
    8. Gigi Soda (feat. Natalie Lander, Drew Ryan Scott, Justin Trugman & Jason Perris)
    9. Be a Kid (feat. Natalie Lander, Jess Harnell, Rob Paulsen, Tress MacNeille, Drew Ryan Scott, Justin Trugman & Jason Perris)
    10. Home (feat. Charlotte Nicdao, Rob Paulsen, Roddy Hart & Thomas David Reilly)
    11. D.I. Why (feat. Natalie Lander, Jess Harnell, Rob Paulsen, Tress MacNeille, Roddy Hart & Thomas David Reilly)
    12. Groundmouse Day Jingle (feat. Tim Cloherty, Julia Haltigan, Brendan Joseph Ryan & William Joseph Ryan)
    13. We Could Try and Do It, Santa (feat. John DiMaggio, Jess Harnell, Rob Paulsen, Tress MacNeille, Roddy Hart & Thomas David Reilly)
    14. International Mouse of Mystery (feat. Rob Paulsen, Roddy Hart & Thomas David Reilly)
    15. Humanity's Wins (feat. Jess Harnell, Rob Paulsen, Tress MacNeille, Jon Bailey, Clyde Lawrence & Jordan Cohen)
    16. Pinky Town (feat. Rob Paulsen, Jordan Cohen & Clyde Lawrence)
    17. Here Comes the Sea (feat. Chris Diamontopoulos, Jess Harnell, Rob Paulsen, Tress MacNeille, Roddy Hart & Thomas David Reilly)

    Side D
    1. Stressed to the Nines
    2. For Mule Late
    3. Duck Uncovered
    4. Life's a Pitch
    5. New Whirled Symphony Julie Noted
    6. Rides to the Occasion
    7. Dog Daze
    8. Back an Alien
    9. Dawn Knots
    10. Card Cue
    11. Ring of Ire
    12. Marvel Us
    13. Creature Discomforts
    14. Alpha Bait
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